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Post Your Question

Attract new clients by spending a few moments answering simple procedural questions


This is the place to find potential clients. People who know they have an issue and are looking for legal help post questions. Offering some help is the perfect way to make sure you are the first lawyer they think of after they decide what to do.

Type of Questions

Short questions about legal category, general expectations, process concerns or further information dealing with all practice areas.

You should not provide legal advice in response to a posted question.


Free and easy access to clients with quick questions who are looking for experienced help.

Lawyer Sourcing and Selection

All lawyers interested in participating. We offer an optional mailing list to receive notifications if a user in your practice area posts a question


After we verify your status, you may view posted questions by logging onto the website or sign-up to be notified if a user posts a relevant question. You’re then free to answer the question directly. Users may elect to contact you directly for follow up questions or to discuss working with you on their legal issue.

For now, Planet-Legal is not publishing answers. In the event we plan to do so in the future, we will email you for your express consent.

Writing an Effective Response

We recommend a minimalist approach to prevent users being overwhelmed, or lawyers spending unnecessary time. Answers should be one or two short paragraphs directly related to the question asked and should avoid offering or appearing to offer a legal opinion.

asked and should avoid offering or appearing to offer a legal opinion Beyond including an email address for follow-up questions, you may want to add additional contact information and a quick signature block advertising your qualifications. You can provide a suggestion that the user contact you if they have further questions but should not simply recommend they speak to you (or a lawyer) without additional information.


No warranty that client will request your services in the present or any other legal matter. You should not provide legal advice. Planet-Legal has no involvement beyond hosting the question. Any further discussions or consultations are directly between you and the client . See Terms and Conditions.